How 901 Legal Connect Works
Keeping You Legally Connected in the Bluff City...
Let's Get Started...
You will need 15 to 20 minutes to complete the application.
Before you start, please gather the following information:
the number of people in your household
your monthly income
the value of personal assets such as the amount of money in your bank account
the value of your rental or personal property and the value of your second vehicle
Monthly household expenses such as rent/mortgage, child support payments, childcare fees, transportation cost, unreimbursed medical expenses, and federal taxes owed (if you owe back taxes to the Internal Revenue Service)
contact information about the individual or organization with whom you have a legal issue
any upcoming court dates or deadlines.
To advance to the next page, click continue, which is located in the bottom left corner of each page.
To return to the previous page, click the back button located in the top left corner of each page.
You will have reached the end of the application once you arrive at the signature page.
As the final step, you will receive a message that advises if you qualify for legal assistance.