Legal Issues & Our Partners

Legal Services Provided

901 Legal Connect's Legal Service Providers only assist with civil legal issues, not criminal cases or violations. If your matter involves at least one civil legal issue, please continue by choosing “continue” below. If you qualify for assistance, 901 Legal Connect may connect you to a free or reduced-cost Legal Service Provider in civil matters (non-criminal) related to the following legal issues:

  • Benefits & Healthcare

  • Consumer & Individual Rights,

  • Elder Law

  • Employment, Income, and Tax

  • Family Law

  • Housing

  • Immigration

  • Veterans Benefits

Our Partners

To Provide Excellence in Legal Advocacy for Those in Need Memphis Area Legal Services, Inc. (MALS) is the primary provider of civil legal representation to low income families in the western Tennessee counties of Shelby, Fayette, Tipton and Lauderdale.  MALS helps individuals and families facing critical, sometimes life-threatening, situations such as:

  • Domestic violence

  • Mortgage foreclosure, eviction or homelessness

  • Wrongful denial of health care, food stamps, unemployment compensation and other assistance

  • Consumer fraud or predatory lending

  • Special challenges of children and the elderly

MALS does not accept fees for it services anddoes not handle criminal cases, class action lawsuits or fee generating cases such as personal injury or worker’s compensation, among others. See Frequently Asked Questions for more information.  Learn more about our services and client stories, or how you can volunteer and/or support the legal advocacy we provide on behalf of those in need.

Community Legal Center is a non-profit organization providing legal services to those with limited means.

The Community Legal Center has evolved over the past 20+ years into a legal aid agency offering a number of civil legal services to those of limited financial means and those at risk, including populations not served by other legal aid agencies.

Those who call us speak with a sensitive, bilingual intake coordinator. Each caller is treated with respect and, after detailed questioning, is either placed with the appropriate Community Legal Center program or referred out to another legal aid provider or appropriate social service agency. If callers do not meet our income restrictions, we refer them out to private attorneys. We offer the following programs to accomplish our vision of improving the lives of those we serve by giving them access to justice.

West Tennessee Legal Services

1407 Union Avenue, Suite 1100
Memphis, TN 38104

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone: (901) 471-8006 or Toll Free 800-372-8346

Our Mission At WTLS Is To Provide Equal Access To Justice In West Tennessee.

We offer no-cost civil legal aid to West Tennesseans, focusing on issues that affect family safety, cohesiveness, and stability.

Through our work, we ensure that our neighbors have access to healthcare and are able to secure or retain income and shelter. We protect the personal freedom and security of survivors of abuse. Our attorneys and paralegals are there for our community members when they need us most, and we are proud to serve West Tennessee.

WTLS offers free legal help with civil legal issues. Our funding is limited, and unfortunately, we cannot help everyone who needs it. We set our case priorities every year based on input from members of our community. Currently, WTLS priorities include:

  • Consumer

  • Benefits

  • Housing

  • Elder Law

  • Victim Rights

  • Family

For more details and for a complete listing of programs, please visit


Excluded Legal Services

In addition to not handling criminal matters, 901 Legal Connect cannot connect you to free or reduced-cost legal assistance for any of the other following legal issues:

  • Agricultural Worker Issues: Not Involving Wage Claims

  • Assistance w/Wage Claims

  • Driving Issues: Insert Qualifiers

  • Emancipation of a Minor

  • Juvenile Delinquency

  • Indian Tribal Law

  • Malpractice

  • Municipal Legal Needs: Failure to Pick Up Garbage

  • Personal Injury

  • Pre-purchase/Reverse Mortgage Counseling

  • Product Liability

  • State Tax Return/Other State Tax Issues

  • Tax Preparation or Filing of Timely Federal Income Tax Return

  • Workmen's Compensation

If your legal matter requires assistance with one of the legal issues listed above, we recommend that you contact Help4Tn. (Click here to be routed to the website.)